
Tiny Love
Meadow Days 2-in-1 Shape Sorter & Puzzle

Meadow Days 2-in-1 Shape Sorter & Puzzle

  • TL3282MDSSP_tinylove_babytoy_meadowdays__2in1shapesorterandpuzzle
Tiny Love

Meadow Days 2-in-1 Shape Sorter & Puzzle

6 - 12m +
€  29,99
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  • 24 maanden garantie

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Wonderen in ontwikkeling

  • Verbeeldingskracht & Creativiteit

    Imagination is our ability to mentally produce images, ideas, thoughts and even feelings that do not exist in reality and that are not available to our senses. Creativity is the process of transforming imagination into reality and the ability that allows us to improvise, take initiative and solve problems.

  • Cognitie

    Cognitive skills are the mental processes through which we understand our world. Understanding the stages of cognitive development can help you guide your child through the wondrous adventure of learning.

  • Emotionele Intelligentie (EQ)

    Social and emotional intelligence has a profound influence on future success. Understanding the basics of EQ can help you encourage your child’s emotional development and create a healthy basis for growing and learning.

  • Fijne Motoriek

    Fine motor skills are related to the hand, palm and finger muscles as well as to the muscles surrounding the mouth and eyes. As baby grows, it is important to ensure that fine motor skills develop in sync with emotional and physical maturity.

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